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why women do not agree with poligamy ?
Friday 26 July 2013 | 20:38 | 0comments sini
Lecture anim ade bagi assgment, dy suruh wat essay. tajuknye ..

why women do not agree with poligamy ?

hurm, takde idea la nak tulis ape.. sebabnye tak pernah terfikir pun bab ni..
soo anim terpaksa google aje lah..

and anim tanye jugak kwan2 anim yg tngah berFB tu. hee ~

and ini je point yg anim dapat.. Grr..
then nak kena elaborate la yg anim lemah sgat nii..

1. don't have the willing to share their husband with others
 2. children appear to suffer in polygamous culture
3. they afraid to be neglected by their husband..
4. negative mindset and negative public perception to polygamy
5. financial problems
6. fear their husband will  ignore their child
7. children confusion : Who should the children
listen to particularly? Is the other “mum”´s word as important as the real mother´s?
8. history of family member that have been through poligamy but not success in their marriage

tu je point yg anim dapat.. ntah betul ke takk.. 
t time kelas anim tanya lecture pulak ,, btol ke tak point anim ni..
and rasanya,, english anim dh tertungging tungging nii..
HAHA ! budak baru blajar la katakan.. hew hew ^^

p/s : thanks nah tolong anim.. nadhi, nani, adawiyah, kak aisyah and shahmi :)
may Allah bless you..

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